A 24-year-old female student, Tina Ugochukwu, has been arraigned before an Ebute Meta Chief Magistrates’ Court sitting in Lagos State, on the allegation of absconding her friend's N190, 000, at the residence she shares with the friend identified as Ada Emmanuel, at 7, Church Street, Ilaje-Otumara, Ebute-Meta.
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The police Prosecutor, Cpl. Olusegun Kokoye, told the court that Ugochukwu, sometime in August, 2015, stole the money from Emmanuel and absconded from the house.
complainant had contributed a particular sum to the accused at
different times amounting to N190, 000, but when it was time to collect
the savings from the thrift, Ugochukwu was nowhere to be found.”
The prosecutor noted that the offence contravened Section 285 (9b) of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011.
The accused however pleaded not guilty to the charge of stealing and the Chief Magistrate, O.O.A. Fowowe-Erusiafe,
granted the accused bail in the sum of N50, 000 with one surety in like
sum, who must be gainfully employed, and adjourned the matter till
March 24 for hearing.
#FOC report
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