Read 5 reasons why you need a mentor

We all need mentors 
Mentors are important to any successful person in life. No matter your position you need someone, who has towed the line you’re towing before you to shed some light for you. 

Great mentors put things in perspective. No one is too mature to learn more. They are so useful especially for startup entrepreneurs. However, you don’t have to be a founder to have a mentor

If you’re not convinced, here are 5 reasons why we all need a mentor:

To pick their brains: Mentors have towed the line before you and have been through the struggles, challenges and victories that you will. Taking their word seriously will help avoid most mistakes and embrace more victories. 

Bouncing board: Mentors are useful sounding boards. Reach out to your mentors for objective opinions when you are faced with daunting decisions. The reason why your mentor is better than family and friends in this regard is because they have fresh and unbiased perspectives. 

Networking: One of the best ways to grow your contact list is to be in touch with people who run the system pretty well and in most cases that’s your mentor. However, don’t make it a habit of always asking for contacts, as no one likes to be used, bring it to a necessary minimum. 

Motivation: Mentors are just like coaches, who train and prepare you but also inspire you to be your best, especially when you’re faced with obstacles and teach you how to overcome them. They also motivate you to work harder because you don’t want to disappoint them. 

Chances: Successful people birth opportunities. Mentors love to see their mentees succeed and they will do anything to see that happen. An opportunity can come in various ways. However, you have to build a strong relationship with them by relation before they give you opportunities and favors.
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