Fr Mbaka finally speaks on his visit to Buhari scriptural (Read here)

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The Spiritual Director of the Adora­tion Ministry, Enugu, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has said his recent visit to President Muhammadu Buhari in Aso Rock, Abuja was scriptural.

Fr Mbaka had predicted before the presidential election early this year that Buhari would defeat former President Goodluck Jonathan which generated a lot of tension, including the threat to his life.
As the prophecy of the Adoration Min­istry director came to pass, Buhari’s wife recently visited him at the Adora­tion Ground where the fiery Catholic priest gave her a bag containing copies of the Holy Bible.

The visit of the president’s wife fol­lowed the visit of Mbaka to Aso Rock, during which he spoke with the presi­dent and which elicited different inter­pretations.

But Mbaka who spoke to Sunday Sun through his Personal Assistant and Me­dia Chief of the Adoration Ministry, Mr Maximus Ugwuoke, a lawyer, said the attacks on the spiritual director was un­called for as prophets of old like Mbaka had at one time or the other visited their leaders.
He also dismissed insinuations that the president’s wife rejected the bibles given to her by Fr Mbaka when she vis­ited him. Excerpts:

The year is fast running to an end, how has it been with the Adora­tion Ministry?
Adoration Ministry, Enugu, Nigeria is moving from strength to strength with God who continues to confirm His dy­namic presence in the ministry. It was common knowledge that the ministry suffered and Rev Fr Mbaka, its Spiritual Director suffered attacks and blackmail at the beginning of the year on the account of the December 31st night prophetic message that President Muhammadu Buhari would defeat President Goodluck Jonathan at the polls.

But God did not only vindicate the Spiri­tual Director with the victory of President Mohammadu Buhari at the polls but also restored the fortunes of the ministry re­markably. For instance, the miracles in the ministry are unbelievable ever since as hundreds of thousands of people con­tinued to give testimonies of the miracle of healings of all kinds in their lives this year. The blind seeing, deaf hearing, the dead rising , cancers and tumors disap­pearing etc. God doubled the numerical strength of worshippers in the Ministry in millions as multitudes continue to throng to the ministry’s programmes. God had this year also continued to increase the numerical strength of the ministry due to miracles of multiple deliveries that the ministry witnessed. Not less than 20 barren couples delivered quadruplets and triplets in the ministry. This is besides the uncountable number of single deliveries. Every Sunday, between 10 to 20 children are dedicated in the church by Fr Mba­ka. Every Wednesday, at a programme of the ministry popularly known as E no dey again, not less than 100 children are initiated in the Christendom through bap­tism by Fr Mbaka.

In matters of charity which is the hall­mark of the Spiritual Director, through the Multi-Life Savers Foundation for the less privileged which is Fr Mbaka’s offi­cial charity, multitudes of students both within and outside Nigeria that are under Fr Mbaka’s scholarship received the best care this year.
The hospital bills of numerous sick per­sons in local hospitals and abroad were taken care of by Fr Mbaka this year. There were many poor people whose house rents were paid by him and many who became landlords and landladies through him. During the Boko Haram disaster in March and April this year, Fr Mbaka sent trailer loads of articles to victims in their camps in the North. He assembled not less than 5,000 South-East Igbo returnees and destitute who came home because of the Boko Haram troubled zone in the North East of the country and organized food items and clothes in trailers and shared to them. Many of their children were adopt­ed by Fr Mbaka in his Multi-Life Savers Foundation scholarship schemes.

By the middle of the year and July 29th precisely when the Spiritual Director of the ministry celebrated his 20th-year priestly anniversary, it was like a carni­val which he marked with the launch of two of his latest musical albums Chima Akonam and Ikuku Oma which were in­spired by his experiences of the battles he encountered this year.

In area of job creation, through the indus­trial acumen of the spiritual director, he initiated a farm project , the Wonderland Farm , Aqua Rapha Juice Manufacturing and Adoration Online Radio that gener­ated employment to a good number of people adding to the thousands of youths and graduates under his salaried employ­ment.

For all these, Fr Mbaka had remained highly appreciative to God and those working in the Ministry. Just last Tues­day, he organized a love feast for work­ers in ministry where he treated them with delicacies and presented a Rav 4 Jeep to them which was contested for by lot and fell on one of the workers, Faith Chine­nye of the Adoration Workers Praise and Worship Group. I can go on and on but to say the least, it has been well with the ministry this year. It has been a year with many battles that all ended in victories.

What can you say was the most challenging in the Ministry?
It depends on the period of your assess­ment. For all we know, Adoration Minis­try has gone through many challenging moments in the past on account of the prophetic messages of the Spiritual Di­rector and God has continued to make him victorious. Recall what happened during the administration of Chimaroke Nnamani, one time governor of Enugu, when the Spiritual Director of the Min­istry delivered a prophetic message titled

This Wicked Generation. His life did not only come under threat but he faced real assassination attempts by hired as­sassins who fired several bullets at him but instead of the bullet penetrating him, they were received by the Bible in his car. About 14 worshippers were killed at the ministry’s prayer ground with poison­ous gas at that time. There were petitions against Fr Mbaka here and there to sanc­tion him and close down the ministry. It was such a challenging period in the min­istry but the ministry survived it. There were many other challenging periods that I wouldn’t want to go into because I know you would be more interested in the con­temporary.

I would say that of recent, the prophetic message of the spiritual director of the Ministry on December 31st night of 2014 titled, From Goodluck to Badluck where­in Fr Mbaka prophesied that the then incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan will not return to the seat of power and that President Muhammadu Buhari will defeat him during the 2015 general elec­tion posed one of the greatest challenges to the Ministry. This was because the prophesy came at such a time it appeared impossible, going by the factor of power of incumbency and every known political permutations that were at the disposal of Goodluck.

Fr Mbaka and the Ministry came under sharp satanic criticism immediately after that prophecy, his life came under intense threat and danger with many political swords drawn against him and the min­istry. Some worshipers and even some of his close friends deserted the ministry. He was accused of taking bribes, he was ac­cused of having an oil block and some others said Buhari had led a high pow­ered delegation to bribe him before the message when in actual fact he had never had any previous contact with Buhari . Fr Mbaka was branded a political priest with people making caricature of his name in the print and social media . There were calls for sanctions against him and to close down the ministry by many politi­cal agents and even some members of the church hierarchy that was meant to protect him. His bank account was placed under scrutiny by federal security agents. The fate of the ministry hung in the balance. It was either that prophecy of December 31st night came true for the ministry to survive or it came false for the ministry to go into extinction. In the end, the Holy Spirit in whose name he prophesied the message vindicated him and the ministry as the prophecy came to pass.

Close to the general elections, there were threats to Fr Mbaka’s life. Have his traducers left him now?
How is Fr Mbaka supposed to know if his traducers had left him? I think it is the traducers that would tell us if they have left him. But for all we know there are people that do not like anything good.

There are satanic agents looking for the slightest opportunity to destroy the good works of God. Even when it appeared your enemies had withdrawn you never can tell their next strategy. That is why the scripture says we should be vigilant for our adversary the devil is roaming around seeking whom to devour. To say that Fr Mbaka’s traducers had left him is to deny that obvious fact.

Fr Mbaka has not stopped his crusade for the defense of the poor masses which is his covenant and vow as a priest to be on the side of the poor. This is the only thing that brought him in constant clash with leaders. The oppressors of the poor of course you know, are the rich and the rich we know in our society today is the political class. It’s his defense of the poor masses that usually made him clash with the rich. So, you can be sure that he will continue to have the enemies that wish him the worst as long as the rich con­tinues to trample on the poor. But the good thing is that his adversaries are in the minority and they can never destroy him because God is with him. Majority of Nigerians love him. We need more Fr Mbakas in Nigeria. We love him for what God is using him to do among us.

When President Buhari’s wife vis­ited Adoration Ministry the other time she came to Enugu for a pro­gramme, after the visit we heard that Fr Mbaka gave her Bibles and she rejected them. Is this true?
The truth is President Buhari’s wife vis­ited Fr Mbaka but what you heard that Fr Mbaka gave her Bibles and she rejected them was a lie from the pit of hell. Why should any right thinking person believe that? Is Mrs Buhari not the wife of the President who is a president of Christians and Moslems in this country? It was a rumour spread by those very people who had sold to us the campaign dummies and propaganda that President Buhari has an agenda of Islamizing Nigeria to water down the terrible blow dealt on the past administration by Fr Mbaka’s message of divine choice of Buhari to salvage the country from monumental corruption, in­security, unemployment and poverty that bedeviled the nation. The truth is that Fr Mbaka did not only give Mrs Buhari a Bible during her visit, he gave her a bag of Bibles which she received for herself and others that accompanied her with cheers. He also gave her cartons of Rapha Extra virgin anointing oil among other presents which she received with cheers and ap­preciation. Pictures taken at that occasion is there for anyone that cares to see.

That Fr Mbaka gave Mrs Buhari bibles and she rejected them was a cheap rumour which some political agents contrived to achieve two ends. First, to portray the first family as religious bigots just to instill and perpetuate an anachronism of hatred for them by Christians and secondly to scorn Fr Mbaka and his ministry for as­sociating with them. What people do not know is that Fr Mbaka loves everybody. He doesn’t discriminate. He is pragmati­cally and spiritually interdenominational and inter-religious.

Again, Fr Mbaka visited Presi­dent Buhari recently at Aso Rock and again there was this specula­tion that he requested for the visit and that the president settled him. Can you tell us how the visit came about and what transpired during the visit?
We read those speculations in the media. Many questioned why Fr Mbaka had to visit President Buhari. Those disparaging remarks were actuated by jealousy and chronic envy among Christians nowa­days. Fr Mbaka had faced even more sa­tanic blackmail and devilish character as­sassination than this. It didn’t start today as he had faced worse criticisms in the past. We tend to forget that the scriptures told us in Psalm 105:15 “Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm”
Is it a crime for a man of God to visit the President? Apart from being a priest and an anointed Prophet of God, is Fr Mbaka not a Nigerian? If yes, has he no right to enter our Aso Rock (the Presidential Villa).

For visiting Mr President has Fr Mbaka done what is unscriptural? In Exodus 5, did Mosses a prophet of God not visit Pharaoh in his seat of power in Egypt? Did Samuel not visit Saul in his seat of power in 1st Samuel 15? In 2nd Samuel 12, did Prophet Nathan not visit David in his seat of power? Did we not read about Elisha and Ahab in the scriptures, in 1st Kings 17? In Acts 10 did Peter the first pope of the Church not visit Cornelius in his house? Did we not read in the Bible that even Jesus himself left heaven and came to man on earth? Is it not the hall­mark of a real and humble anointed man of God to do what the biblical prophets did? We wonder why those whose in­sinuations of what transpired during the meeting between Fr Mbaka and Mr Pres­ident are poke nosing for. Did Fr Mbaka himself not answer their questions in the interview he granted the media dur­ing the visit when he stated that he had come to bless Nigerians and pray for their peace? This was aired on Channels, AIT and published in some newspapers. Those who say Fr Mbaka came to be settled by Mr President or that he came on Biafra agenda are on their own. Like I said, Fr Mbaka is not new to such accusations but one thing is clear, Fr Mbaka is not a Ghana-must- go-prophet. Even his accus­ers know this fact and that was why I said earlier that they make those speculations out of sheer envy and chronic jealousy.

Adoration people worldwide know who Fr Mbaka is in matters of morals and chastity and we are happy with him. He is such a man that practically lives a life of fasting and outpouring for the needy.
Nigerians are happy with him. We con­tinue to appeal to him not to leave Mr President to fall into the hands of hawks and vultures. We urge him not to mind the accusers and the critics but to keep pray­ing for Mr President as a product of his prophecy. His detractors are just looking for a way to ensure that President Buhari fails so that they would face Fr Mba­ka. We urge him to keep blessing Nigeria and Nigerians.

The youths are happy with him, so we urge him to keep speaking for them as well. We urge him never to keep quiet or succumb to the pressure of the unhealthy criticisms. The poor masses depend on his representation and so we implore him to remain the voice of the voiceless and hope of the hopeless.

We have observed that the presi­dency has established this link with Adoration Ministry, the wife of former President Jonathan was here and now Buhari’s wife, do you think the messages they took away from the Ministry as they vis­ited have in any way shaped their lives when they returned to Abuja?
Fr Mbaka is like the sower in the Par­able of Matthew 13. He sows the word of God in the lives of anyone that comes around him at the least opportunity. Dur­ing the visit of both the wife of former President Jonathan and now Buhari’s wife, he prayed for them and sowed that Word in their lives. How the word shapes their lives is left for them and their maker. It’s not for Fr Mbaka or us to assess them. Every sower of every seed discharges his duty by sowing the seed and watering it, how it grows and germinates are beyond his making and explanation.

Finally, what is the mood of the Adoration Ministry this Yuletide as the people expect your end of year message?
Your guess is as good as mine. Decem­ber 31st night is a date we all look for­ward to. It’s an annual ritual of the min­istry to receive the end year message and the message of God for the New Year at such period.

The Ministry just concluded its annual crusade that held from December 17th till December 20th.
The atmosphere is already charged with verifiable testimonies of people who re­ceived multifarious miracles during the three-day spiritual exercise. Such is usu­ally the kind of atmosphere that lingers in the ministry prior to December 31st night. One thing spectacular about the December 31st night message is that you can never predict what Fr Mbaka’s mes­sage at such nights would be but they would always come true in the end.

His message of December 31st night of last year is a case in point. That was not the first of its kind but it was the stick of its kind to quake the nation and gener­ate heated controversy. May be because it came during election year. So, come December 31st night, we just have to be there to receive the message and take it as it comes. One fact you must know is that Fr Mbaka cannot say what God did not tell him and will not hold back what God told him to say.The ministry is so much concerned about the comfort of the crowd that would come from all over the world for that programme as it’s usually the night the ministry witnesses the big­gest crowd of worshipers.
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