A man who fears the Lord doesn’t take that for-granted to abuse and take due advantage of you.
Subjecting to your spouse is a command from God. Because the man is the head of the home as Christ is the head of the church, that is not the time or reason to get so proud and become fool of yourself to the extent that you cannot respect your wife and listen to her many good words and advice.
The reason why many marriages never last is because the woman is so highly placed and doesn’t need any man to control her or be in charge of her. Because of her degree from harvard and position with Chevron, she see no reason why an ordinary bank branch manager or a medical doctor with one small health centre in port harcourt would control her or tell her what to do when she controls men in her work place and thousands of people calling her Ma/madam.
Most women compare their rich dad with their spouse; it shouldn’t be so.
Respect your husband, listen when he speaks and welcome him when he comes home. Don’t always be the complaining kind of wife.
When you give a man all he requires and he still treats your wrongly, then he needs God’s intervention.
No man is too big to assist the wife in the kitchen; after all she is you and you are one.
The reason also why so many marriages break up after 10yrears is because most couple watch celebrities on television and want to do the things they do. Never live your life based on the happenings in some other persons life.
Love your spouse, obey and respect them; then show me where the devil would come in… Never give the devil the chance to ruin your marriage.
You will prosper!
You will Succeed!
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