Beauty Queen Birthday: Former beauty queen Omowunmi Akinnifesi releases stunning birthday pics

Former beauty queen Omowunmi Akinnifesi's birthday is today the 4th December and she released photos from the birthday shoot she did recently with vogue photographer Fireshone in London. See more stunning photos after the cut and read about the new project she's working on..

 Omowunmi would be launching her female ready to wear clothing line called "Omowunmi" very soon.

Omowunmi undertook her Masters at Kings College London and later went ahead to study at the London College of fashion where she become inspired to become a Fashion Entrepreneur. She is a former Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria and winner of The Vanguard Allure Style Icon for the Year and City People's Most Fashionable woman of the year.

Photography by Fireshone, Hair by Bunmi O Jackson, Make Up by OTS Beauty and Styling by Starlet J.
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