People have
started digging for the meat that fall under the category called red
meat and which ones are white meat. The queries increased recently when
the WHO revealed that processed meat has been found to cause cancer an there is a possibility that red meats cause it too.
So, many
people want to know what red meat is, so that they can avoid it and what
white meat is, so that they can eat more of that and reduce the risk of
cancer. This post is going to list the meat of animals that fall under
white and red.
What Is Red Meat, What Is White Meat?
There’s actually two definitions that may be used — the common definition and the nutritional definition, if I may call it that way.
The common
definition refers to red meat as meat that is red when raw and not pale
in color when cook. White meat is pale before and after cooking.
As fas as
nutritional science is concerned, red meat is any meat that has more
myoglobin than a white meat, white meat being defined as non dark meat
from chicken (excluding leg or thigh), or fish. So, choosing white or
red meat depends on the definition you choose.
According to
the USDA, all meats obtained from mammals (regardless of cut or age)
are red meats because they contain more myoglobin than white meat
chicken or fish. Another difference is that white meat is a leaner
source of protein (lower fat) but contains lesser heme Iron, Zinc and
Vitamins A, D, E and K (fat-soluble vitamins).
In one article, in which we talked about the red juice that drips out of meat
when you buy them fresh. We mentioned in that article that the red
fluid is myoglobin and explained the relationship it has with blood.
Examples of White Meat and Red Meat
This largely
depends the definition you decide to follow, which ultimately depends
on the purpose of searching for examples of red and white meat. Some
types of meat can be classified under one definition and red, under
If you are
digging for health reasons, I think it is best to just follow the USDA
approach. Meats obtained from mammals with the red color prior to
cooking are considered red meat because they contain more myoglobin.

To use
examples that we are familiar with, white meat is generally classified
as poultry (chicken and turkey), while red meat typically refers to
beef, pork, and lamb.
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